| Chamonix, Study languages

If you are in and around Chamonix, you may have noticed the local chocolatiers display cases and supermarkets filling up with chocolate eggs, roosters, rabbits and more. Easter is celebrated throughout France, and if you are in town you can check out some of the best offerings from the pastry chefs in the Haute-Savoie region. Here are some local patisseries definitely worth visiting and indulging in a chocolate or two! And…

…some Easter themed vocabulary to brush up on:

Vocabulaire de Pâques

Pâques – Easter

Vacances de Pâques – Easter break

Le jeudi saint – Maundy Thursday

Le vendredi saint – Good Friday

Le dimanche de Pâques – Easter Sunday

Le jour de Pâques – Easter day

Un oeuf – an egg

un oeuf teint – coloured egg

Des oeufs en chocolat – chocolate eggs

Le chocolat blanc, noir, au lait – white, dark, milk chocolate

Un lapin :  a rabbit

Un poussin – a chick

Une poule – a hen

Un coq – a rooster

Un poisson – a fish

L’agneau (m) – a lamb

Une cloche – a bell

Un panier – a basket

Un nid – a nest

Joyeuses Pâques / Bonnes Pâques! – Happy Easter!

Photo source: chamonix.net, bavardages.org, ensp-adf.com