| Chamonix, Study languages

When you think of local Alpine dishes what springs to mind?

If you’re lucky enough to have sampled genuine local food then you’ll know that thankfully there’s more to offer than an overpriced Sandwich Jambon Fromage!

Nourishing, honest dishes containing rich and varied produce such as wild game, root vegetables, mountain berries, apples, cherries, pears, cheese and other local dairy products are available to us in most local restaurants and cremeries. The Haute-Savoie region boasts hearty food to keep you strong and warm throughout the winter. Fondue, tartiflette, croutes, gratin dauphinois, soupe à l’oignon et la tarte aux myrtilles are just some of the key staples for diets in Chamonix. Here’s some French food vocab to help you place an order and get your taste buds tingling!

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l’agneau – lamb

l’ail – garlic

une baguette / baguette de Paris – French loaf

le beurre – butter

la boisson – drink

la crème – cream

le déjeuner – breakfast

les escargots – snails

les frites/les pommes frites – chips/fries

les fruits – fruit

les fruits de mer – seafood

le fromage – cheese

le jambon – ham

le lait – milk

le lapin – rabbit

le légumes – vegetables

le mouton – mutton

le pain – bread

le pomme de terre – potatoes

le poisson – fish

le poivre – pepper

le porc – pork

le poulet (roti) – roast chicken

la quiche – quiche

le riz – rice

la saucisse – sausage

le saucisson – salami

le sel – salt

le sucre – sugar

le veau – veal

le vin – wine

le yaourt – yoghurt